Airgain OmniMax® ET56AGBJA External Antenna

Airgain’s OmniMax ET56AGBJA External Antenna is an ultra-wideband LTE externally mounted antenna providing high efficiency for IoT and M2M applications for indoor cellular modules, modems, and gateways. This omni-directional dipole antenna outperforms competing products on the market and provides coverage for all cellular standards including CDMA, DCS, PCS, and GSM 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G frequency bands in use globally.


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Airgain OmniMax® ET56AGBJA External Antenna

Airgain’s OmniMax ET56AGBJA External Antenna is an ultra-wideband LTE externally mounted antenna providing high efficiency for IoT and M2M applications for indoor cellular modules, modems, and gateways. This omni-directional dipole antenna outperforms competing products on the market and provides coverage for all cellular standards including CDMA, DCS, PCS, and GSM 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G frequency bands in use globally.

  • 617 MHz – 6.0 GHz
  • External dipole antenna
  • Rotated 90 degrees on the base hinge
  • CDMA, DCS, PCS, GSM 2G/3G/4G/5G
  • Optimal performance in challenging and diverse environments
  • Superior coverage for maximum throughput and range
  • High efficiency and reliability
  • Flexible mounting options for various deployment scenarios including Prosumer level devices
  • Indoor IoT and M2M applications
  • Cellular modules, modems, and gateway

Technical Specifications and Interface

Antenna Specs


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Airgain OmniMax® ET56AGBJA External Antenna

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